Star2 “Run Away” Video

Star2, a San Diego-based artist, releases visuals to “Run Away.” The video brings sadness and it’s fair to say a temporary numbness. Star2 reveals, “I wanted to write a song about the state of the world.  I was in the studio recording during most of COVID and in LA during the Black Lives’ Matter protests.  My family fled genocide and has experienced starvation and atrocities.  My neighborhood in San Diego is a crossroads for refugees and the problems of poverty, homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.” “The chorus poured out of me – at my lowest point, I literally want to run away – to a place of safety. Most of the suffering in the world is heartbreaking and so unfair!” The end of the video asks everyone to “Pray for peace in our world.” Star2 implores: “pray for my Ka-ren people who continue to experience genocide, for the Ukrainian people, and for everyone suffering injustice – pray for peace.”

Watch the video and connect with Star2 Just on Twitter @star2official


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